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From YouTube: OCI Weekly Discussion 2019-12-11



Nisha Kumar (VMware)
Josh Dolitsky (Blood Orange)
Vincent Batts
Mike Brown (IBM)
Ram Chinchani (Cisco)
Kat Cosgrove
Rose Judge
Steve Lasker
Jon Johnson
… a phone number
… another phone number

Agenda Items:

App centric rootfs builds for containers (nisha)
Joshua Lock and Nisha Kumar (VMware) gave a talk on using linux distro tools to build container images:
Possible/Inevitable collaboration with SIG-Security:
Timezone issue: Joshua and other stakeholders are in the EU (and possibly Asia) and the regular meeting hour is not easy

OCI distribution conformance strategy (jdolitsky)
Distribution spec endpoints:
Starting points for test harness
Quay tests:
Self-certification model
k8s conformance example:
existing OCI repo:
Recent discussion!topic/dev/JCpfBI-_woQ
Prior discussions (2018)!topic/dev/jL5yhEIv3Ac


app centric rootfs
looking to build with the constraint of:
no external infrastructure (vb: what all does this mean?)
(Nisha) means no reliance on any one organization’s internal infra or a picky build system
Typically, each org has a way of mirroring source code and rolling their own build system to build artifacts. We’d like this to be easily accessable/usable by any developer.
provide a manifest of whats included
and the sources of the things included
we looked at a number of distro tools
we want users to be able to do this and not have to set up sophisticated build environments
(vb) sounds like is the place for the conversation
Consensus is that although it is a good topic, it is too vast to include in OCI and too young to include in CNCF
Next steps is the set up a meeting with individuals who are interested in this topic and come up with goals and outcomes for a SIG
(vb) no complaints on the approach that dolitsky is taking for the distribution conformance
one day maybe having a live leaderboard would be interesting,
but for now having tooling that outputs a result, and a github repo for folks to commit the output of their results is a good first step
we could even make a generated matrix of results from the committed reports to the repo
the pieces to include need to have: 1) version of their tool; 2) a README on the enviroment; 3) version of the conformance tool; etc.