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From YouTube: KiCad 101 + Minimalist Arduino Build - Part 3


KiCad 101 + Minimalist Arduino Build - Part 3

Here we add an LED to the basic microcontroller design.

KiCad is an open source electronic design software suite. Here we provide a tutorial where you learn to design circuits on a printed circuit board - or more simply - on a stripboard. We design and build a minimalist Arduino - OSEino - and then build it by making connections.

This is a 5-part series.

The next tutorial series to be made will include generating toolpath files for milling circuits using the OSE D3D CNC Circuit mill.

We will use the minimalist arduino as a basic test case for milling a circuit, so that we can build a CEB press controller with the circuit mill.

This is part of a toolchain that includes the 3D Printer, CNC torch table, and CNC Circuit mill for building heavy machines that can be controlled with a , microprocessor such as the OSEino.

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