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From YouTube: Take the Leap into Open Source Projects - Tim Lai, SmartBear Software


Regardless of experience or expertise, many developers seem intimidated or hesitant to start working on open source projects. You might be a first-time contributor to open source, or a first-time contributor to a larger project, or perhaps you are a first-time maintainer or community manager. Remote work and asynchronous communication don’t make this any easier. However, the steps you take to be a successful open source contributor is much like onboarding to a new job. Tim Lai, software engineer at SmartBear and maintainer of open source projects, SwaggerUI, SwaggerEditor, and SwaggerClient, discusses specific strategies that have proven successful to 1) alleviate developer angst, 2) produce meaningful pull requests that match your expertise, and 3) create a roadmap to becoming a frequent open source contributor.