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From YouTube: Using Text Analytics and AI to reduce GDPR risk - Filippo Sassi (Version1)


OpenShift Commons Gathering at Kubecon/EU
May 4th, 2021

Title: Using Text Analytics and AI to reduce GDPR risk - Filippo Sassi (Version1)
Speaker: Filippo Sassi (Version1)
Want the power of text analytics but can't or won't use cloud-based services? No problem! In this talk, Filippo Sassi (Version1) will tell you how we leveraged the power of open source technology to mitigate GDPR risk, using best of breed open-source text analytics and AI services. Deployed on our customer's Openshift cluster, this solution now provides a broad text analytics capability which will be applied to many use cases beyond GDPR.

Discusses implementation at Ireland's Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine