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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #31: Services, linking & Catalogs in Kubernetes and Openshift


Making it easier to link services in OpenShift, within a project/namespace or across projects, as well as linking OpenShift services to other services in your data center or the public cloud is an important ongoing objective. The Kubernetes services model is at the core of this effort. The upstream work in the Kubernetes and Origin community will then feed into OpenShift.
The goal is to make it easier to find and consume services in a consistent manner, as well as to make it easier to link services to deployments. This then serves as the basis for publishing catalogs of predefined services and enabling service consumption metering and billing. This session will give a progress report on our efforts and outline the tasks ahead.

Anyone interested in helping us build out this functionality in OpenShift 3 and looking for a place to contribute is encouraged to attend. Related Trello Card:

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