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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #71: Keeping an OpenShift Cluster Evergreen Using Cloudsoft AMP


A common repetitive task for OpenShift administrators is keeping virtual machines up-to-date with the latest security fixes, patches and managing updates to the installed software packages while still maintaining application uptime for users. We show how Cloudsoft AMP can automate this process of repaving, helping you to achieve a secure and evergreen OpenShift deployment using the latest releases and updates from Red Hat.

Guest Speaker: Andrew Kennedy is a Senior Software Engineer at Cloudsoft and the founder of the Clocker project. He is a contributor to several Open Source projects including jclouds and Qpid and is on the Apache Brooklyn PMC. Areas of interest include Distributed Systems, Virtualization, Messaging, Information Security and LOLcats. Prior to joining Cloudsoft, Andrew worked for various investment banks as a Software Engineer and Security Consultant and has over twenty years experience in the IT industry.