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From YouTube: OpenShift Commons Briefing #84: Upskilling on OpenShift Using Minishift and Node.js


In this session, we will discuss how Minishift can be used as a local development environment for OpenShift and demonstrate one approach to developing Node.js applications with OpenShift/Minishift.

A team was assembled and tasked with evaluating Minishift as a local development environment for clients moving to OpenShift. The goal was to create a local environment that mirrored production as much as possible and to upskill people on Openshift at the same time.

A good local development workflow has quick feedback loops, meaning code changes are reflected instantly. OpenShift’s build and deploy process can be too slow in that context, so we set out on a journey to optimise this process.

The end result was a Node.js app running in a local OpenShift cluster that could be live reloaded without rebuilding containers. Along the way we learned about many of the core benefits of OpenShift such as the integrated build system, integrated docker registry, the powerful web console and templates.

We will discuss the various challenges encountered and provide some useful tips to those starting with Node on OpenShift. We’ll also do a live demo of the workflow and discuss some of the material in our open GitHub repo.

Dara Hayes, DevOps Engineer.
Conor O’Neill, Chief Product Officer