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From YouTube: Emerging Multi-cluster Patterns: HyperShift and Kubernetes Control Planes Adel Zaalouk Red Hat


Emerging Multi-cluster Patterns: HyperShift and Kubernetes Control Planes
Guest Speaker: Adel Zaalouk (Red Hat)
OpenShift Commons Briefing
June 28, 2021
hosted by Diane Mueller (Red Hat)


In OpenShift / Kubernetes, pods are the most basic resources that all other orchestration primitives are built upon, they represent workloads .

What if we can take the same concepts that we created to lifecycle, orchestrate, and schedule pods and applied them to whole clusters? But what is a whole cluster, does it need to be whole, can we apply dualism to clusters, and is it worth it?

We bring more questions than answers, join us if you are interested in musing on the potential futures of virtual dualistic logical-centralised physically-distributed multi-clusters (I know!)