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From YouTube: OCB: Context is King in OpenShift - Matthias Luebken (Instana)


Kubernetes provides great means to run distributed multi-cloud applications. By providing a foundation for microservice architectures, Kubernetes solves many of the day to day problems DevOps teams face. OpenShift adds the stability &trust that organizations need when adapting this new paradigm. But a stable container platform can only be the beginning. In order to successfully run & manage applications, teams need to understand the broader context. This starts with a deep understanding of the infrastructure like the OS, the storage, or the network and how they are utilized, but it doesn’t stop there. For microservice based applications the service dependencies are even more important. DevOps teams need to understand how their Kubernetes deployment contributes to their application and what the dependencies within or outside of Kubernetes are. We will cover the importance of understanding the entire context of an application running in Kubernetes.