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From YouTube: Securing your OpenShift apps with Snyk - Hayley Denbraver @Snyk @OpenShiftCommon's Briefing


Guest Speaker: Hayley Denbraver (SNYK)

There is a lot of emphasis on security in the OpenShift community, but mostly from the side of audit, controls and compliance. But a cloud native reality invites us to shift more ownership of security to the left, in the developer’s hands—given the right approach, process and tools. Snyk is a developer tools company that helps users find and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries, both in apps and containers. Snyk’s focus is security depth and getting true dev adoption, which has led us to building tight integration into source control platforms, CI/CD tools, registries, PaaS and server less. Snyk features automated fixing of issues and the best vulnerability DB out there (enough to make Facebook, Netflix and others license the data feed itself). Towards Red Hat Summit, we will demo our new integrations into OpenShift, helping developers and operators to use open source while staying secure.

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