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From YouTube: Stated Meeting of Philadelphia City Council 6-24-2021


Five: zero: two inside of the northern spending section, 12 701 of the philippine code entitled designation of bicycle lanes to authorize a bicycle lane on north 13th street from spring garden street to green street and build number two one: zero: five: zero four entitled in order to authorize the revision of lines of grades on a portion of city plan number 167 within the area bounded by 67th street vine, street 69th street and haverford avenue by striking portions of certain streets from the city plan, vacating portions of certain streets from the city plan and reserving the placing on on the city plan, multiple rights away for gasoline purposes and public utility purposes and bill number two: one: zero: five: zero: nine entitled an ordinance amending title 12 of the philadelphia code inside our traffic code by creating a new chapter, 12 3500, entitled personal delivery devices to regulate the operation of personal delivery devices within the city of philadelphia in certain circumstances, and bill number two: one: zero: four: four: three inside of the ordinance, I'm ending chapter: nine of the philadelphia code inside the regulation of businesses, trades and professions by adding a new chapter relating to related to hiring entities providing covered individuals with a workforce and career pathways, information sheet and bill number two: one: zero: five: zero zero entitled an ordinance medic section, 13 101 of the philippine code inside of fixing and regulating rates and charges to extend the prevailing wage provisions of the code that apply in connection with the receipt of charity water rates and making technical changes all under certain terms and conditions.