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From YouTube: ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group - meeting #7


Seventh meeting the ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group. We discuss the group's progress during the last month showing how ROS 2 perception pipelines run in GPUs and FPGAs, comparing results. We review the methodology for ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration and REP-2008 and then discuss a new subproject of the group: the Robotic Processing Unit (RPU). The session will also includes a guest talk provided by Hyunjong Choi who tells us about how although ROS 2 claims to enhance the real-time capability, ensuring predictable end-to-end chain latency still remains a challenging problem. To address it, their group proposes a new priority-driven chain-aware scheduler for the ROS 2 wherein callbacks are prioritized based on the given timing requirements of the corresponding chains so that the end-to-end latency of critical chains can be improved with a predictable bound.

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00:00 Community contributions and group's progress
05:28 Hardware acceleration integration in ROS 2 Humble progressing
05:56 REP-2008 update
10:30 Hardware accelerated ROS 2 perception pipelines
18:50 ROSCon 2022 Hardware Acceleration Workshop
22:25 Robotic Processing Unit (RPU)
27:32 PiCAS: New Design of Priority-Driven Chain-Aware Scheduling for ROS 2
52:20 Q&A

For a discussion about this meeting, refer to