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From YouTube: ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group - meeting #9


Ninth meeting of the ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG).

We touch on a) ROS 2 Humble transition and b) analysis and visualization of the ROS 2 flow. As part of the meeting, we had Christophe Bourque Bédard telling us about extensions to `ros2_tracing` with the analysis and visualization of the flow of messages across distributed ROS 2 systems. Their method detects one-to-many and many-to-many causal links between input and output messages, including indirect causal links through simple user-level annotations, providing valuable timing and scheduling information to further study and improve the any ROS 2 system. This is very valuable for hardware acceleration purposes.

For more including source code, check

00:00 Welcome
00:20 Intros
06:15 Working group growth
11:03 Acceleration Robotics sponsoring the HAWG
13:00 REP 2000: ROS 2 Releases and Targeted Platforms, Yocto/OpenEmbedded
17:53 REP 2007: Type adaptation
18:53 REP 2008: Hardware Acceleration Architecture and Conventions
20:18 REP 2009: Type negotiation
25:10 Christophe Bourque Bédard, FogROS 2: Message Flow Analysis with Complex Causal Links for Distributed ROS 2 Systems
51:05 Q&A

For a discussion about this meeting, refer to