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From YouTube: Bevy, WASM and the browser - François Mockers - EuroRust 2022


François Mockers
QA Manager at Talend

Bevy is a game engine using an Entity - Component - System architecture and a modern renderer. One of its main goal is to be cross-platform, and that means supporting WASM running in the browser!

We’ll see how Bevy uses a few crates to interact with the browser:

- winit to get a canvas and all the interactions
- wgpu to render, in WebGL2 for now, and soon WebGPU
- web-sys (and js-sys) to handle some (light) multithreading and game assets access

And the limitations, around multithreading, renderer, native library usage and networking.

We’ll finish with some patterns on how to interact between a Bevy game and the JS world of the browser.