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From YouTube: Frank Rehberger - Rust - embedding WebAssembly for scripting


WebAssembly in non-Javascript environments

Rust is associated with performance, memory safety and control of memory usage. Embedding dynamic runtimes such as for Lua or Javascript for dynamic scripting within the Rust-App would introduce an huge overhead. A WebAssembly-engine seems to be a good choice as compact and portable runtime environment. JIT-compiler may be used in future to transform WASM files to native code.

The talk will present WebAssembly technology and the benefits and pitfalls integrating it into a Rust-app. Small routines are implemented in C++/Rust and compiled to Wasm. The Rust-App is loading the wasm-code as plugin at runtime to execute dynamic tasks.

Frank is Software Consultant with the focus onto back ends, messaging, security, automotive, embedded and CI. Already having experience with various programming languages in small and large development projects, Frank is enthusiastic about the combination of features of the programming language of Rust. Hands-on projects permit the evaluation of these features.

Rust devroom @ FOSDEM 2018

These talks have been recorded at FOSDEM (
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