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From YouTube: Donald Whyte - Testing in Rust


A Primer in Testing and Mocking

Rust is designed for building low-level systems processes that are reliable and safe. Nevertheless, it is still important for developers to ensure their code is doing the right thing. To achieve this, Rust has a rich set of built-in testing tools for writing unit tests.

In this talk we cover general unit testing techniques for Rust. We will also demonstrate how to mock out complex dependencies using the double crate. Examples will range from simple cases to complex cases that you'll often see when testing real world systems.

The talk is suitable for both novice and experienced Rust developers, as well as non-Rust developers who are interested in learning more about the language.

Donald Whyte is a software engineer at a leading quant hedgefund. He has thorough experience in distributed systems and machine learning. Previously, he worked at Bloomberg where he built core infrastructure technology that is still used across the firm globally.

A Rust and distributed systems enthusiast, Donald has given many talks about software infrastructure and distributed systems around the world.

Rust devroom @ FOSDEM 2018

These talks have been recorded at FOSDEM (
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