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From YouTube: Embedded Rust – Rust on IoT devices by Lars Gregori


IoT devices are becoming more intelligent, cheaper and they are connected to the internet. They could also handle personal data and therefore need to be secure. On the other hand, they need full memory access. C/C++ can do this, but it’s also known to be complex and insecure memory management. Other languages (e.g. Java) protect the memory access but aren’t lightweight and it’s not possible to get full memory access. Rust is designed to have both 100% access and also be 100% secure.

I will give an overview, demonstrate how Rust handles the memory access and how it can be cross-compiled to run natively on a small microcontroller and how it can be debugged on bare metal.

Lars Gregori works as Technology Strategist at SAP Hybris in Munich as member of the Hybris Labs team. He is interested in all kinds of new technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino, BLE and NFC, BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi, MQTT, Minecraft and more. Before the computer science degree, he completed an apprenticeship as communication electronics (wireless technology).
