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From YouTube: Rust for IOT


E. Dunham

Is Rust ready for the embedded world yet? If your IOT project is on ARM or MSP430, it already has native support in the Rust compiler, and AVR and RISC-V have compiler forks available.

But architecture support is only the first challenge: If you're used to writing Rust for hosts that run an operating system, the paradigm shift of having to do everything yourself in the embedded world can be jarring.

This talk will introduce the basic techniques for writing Rust to run microcontrollers, and survey outstanding embedded rust projects already available in the ecosystem. is a conference about the Linux operating system, and all aspects of the thriving ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software that has grown up around it. Run since 1999, in a different Australian or New Zealand city each year, by a team of local volunteers, LCA invites more than 500 people to learn from the people who shape the future of Open Source. For more information on the conference see #linux #foss #opensource