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From YouTube: Move fast and don't break things: High-performance networking in Rust — Joshua Liebow-Feeser


What makes Rust different is not that you can write high-performance, bare-metal code. What makes Rust different is that when you write that code, it is clean and easy to use, and you are confident in its correctness.

In this talk, we discuss a new, high-performance networking stack being written in pure Rust. We discuss how Rust has allowed us to squeeze every last drop of performance out of the stack without sacrificing usability, productivity, or the confidence that our code is bug-free. We focus specifically on packet parsing and serialization, which we accomplish with zero copying, zero heap allocation, and very little unsafe code.


Josh is a security engineer at Google working on Fuchsia, where he gets to program in Rust all day long. He also programs in Rust as a hobby, which makes him very well-rounded.