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From YouTube: Rust Berlin - rust ❤️ sensors - Claus Matzinger


With Rust being a safe and efficient language, it's perfect for embedded and more lower level applications. However, its ecosystem is missing a crucial thing to succeed: Drivers. More often than not reference implementations are in C or Python, and re-implementing them using that code or even the data sheet is often tricky. This talk will explore available drivers, common pitfalls, and show the audience how to implement their own drivers for i2c devices.

A software engineer by trade, Claus runs field engineering at, the creators of CrateDB, a distributed SQL database. As a former CTO of a health startup and an Raspberry Pi and Rust (the programming language) enthusiast, Claus also maintains several drivers for sensors in the Rust community. He loves connecting with developers to talk about putting machine data to work in exciting IoT systems.