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From YouTube: Nikita Baksalyar — All you need to know about the Rust FFI (Rust Hungary #2, 2017-10-24)


The world is imperfect and not every program is written in Rust yet, and while we're rewriting everything, we need to deal with this fact somehow. That's where the Foreign Function Interface (or FFI for short) comes into play: it allows programs written in other languages to talk to Rust. It might seem straightforward at first, but the FFI has many non-obvious parts and open questions: how do you deal with ownership and borrowing and how do you use drop flags to deallocate memory and free resources? How do you pass vectors and slices to external functions and back? What is the proper way to work with strings and why do we need CStr and CString? There's no single proper way to solve these problems, but we'll try to find answers in this talk, learning from the hands-on experience.
Presented by: Nikita Baksalyar (@nbaksalyar)
Web developer & Rust engineer at MaidSafe, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


[Rust Hungary Meetup #2 - Mozilla Developer Roadshow Budapest, 2017-10-24, Mozilla Hungary Community Space, Budapest]