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From YouTube: Rust at Aleph Alpha - Markus Klein - Rust Linz March 2023


At Aleph Alpha we strive to create a sovereign, European AI tech stack. We use Rust to build our API. In doing so we also stumble upon Problems outside of the Domain of AI and Large Language Models. One of these sparked the Open Source `async-events` crate, which might also be helpful in your Distributed System.


Markus Klein is the Engineering Lead at Aleph Alpha. He spend most of his career as a C++ Developer, working in the Domains of Distributed Systems and Data Engineering. He is using Rust as his go-to Language for private Projects for eight years and is the core maintainer of several crates, with his most meaningful contribution to the Rust ecosystem probably being `odbc-api` crate. He also finds it strange to write about himself in third person.