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From YouTube: Rust Linz, December 2020 - Stefan Baumgartner - The Exercist (Learning Rust Lightning Talk)


The Exercist
Do you want to know a new programming language and don't know where to start? Do you have a certain project in mind but are scared about all the concepts you have to pick up to reach your goal? Going back to basic algorithms and Programming 101 exercises can help a lot! I want to show you, a platform that helped me a lot in learning Rust. Maybe it's the right platform for you, too!

About Stefan Baumgartner (
Stefan Baumgartner works at Dynatrace. He writes for Manning, Smashing Magazine, and A List Apart and made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.

In his spare time, he organizes ScriptConf and DevOne in Linz and co-hosts the German language Working Draft podcast. Stefan enjoys Italian food, Belgian beer, and British vinyl records.

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