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From YouTube: Rust Zürisee, Dec 2022: Supercharging Zero-Copy Deserialization


Talk by Manish Goregaokar

Internationalization involves a lot of data. A Lot. And loading data can be slow.

ICU4X has dealt with this by going all-in on zero-copy deserialization, a technique that ensures that data loading involves fast validation as opposed to slow allocation. To help with this, we have built a suite of crates (yoke, zerovec, zerofrom, and databake) that make zero-copy deserialization easier to work with and more broadly applicable. This talk will tour through these crates, talking about what they do, how they work, and how they can be useful to you.

Meetup link:

-- Chapters --
00:00 Supercharging Zero-Copy Deserialization by Manish Goregaokar
35:03 Questions