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From YouTube: RustFest Zürich 2017 - Fearless concurrency in your microcontroller by Jorge Aparicio


Fast, efficient, safe: pick three.

Embedded systems are highly concurrent; they must respond to several different external stimuli within tight time constraints while maintaining a low power consumption. At the core of these systems we usually find microcontrollers, low end Systems on a Chip (SoCs) with just about enough resources to fulfill their tasks: tens of MHz of CPU frequency and a few KBs of RAM are usual.

In this talk we’ll explore how to do efficient multitasking on these systems using zero cost, memory safe abstractions.

About Jorge Aparicio:
Jorge Aparicio has been a Rustacean since Rust 0.9 (early 2014) and since that time he has many several contributions to the compiler, the standard libraries and the crate ecosystem. With his background in Mechatronics Jorge has been tackling, for more than one year now, the task of making Rust easy to use for embedded development with great success. He’s the author and maintainer of several crates and tools core to the ARM Cortex-M ecosystem.