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From YouTube: Oz - vega-lite data science visualisations in Clojure - Christopher Small - Scicloj meeting 5


Christopher Small demonstrates Oz, a Clojure project for data visualisation using the Vega and Vega-lite high level grammar for interative graphics

The fifth meeting of the Scicloj community started a series of meetings about data visualization and literate programming. August 9th, 2019, 5pm UTC.

SciCloj is an open online gathering of the Clojure data science community

More details here:

Text chat of the meeting:

Nextjournal runnable notebook with some of the live demos in the talk, transcribed by David Schmüdde:

Unfortunately, a little bit of the live demo did not work (it turns out that the live-reload! functionality is only broken on 1.6.0-alpha3, but still works on 1.6.0-alpha2).

You may find more about Oz in these videos by Christopher Small:
* Oz live code reloading demo
* Oz - static site generation with live code reloading

Join our other meetings and online discussions -- more details here: