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From YouTube: knative on Gloo


Deploying Knative using Gloo as Service Mesh

For more info, see

Content Timestamps:
[00:10]: github (
[00:47]: control VM provisioning
[00:59]: creating k8 cluster
[01:06]: knative basics
[01:40]: kubernetes, service mesh and knative basics
[01:50]: Gloo
[02:05]: the main parts of knative
[02:24]: knative serving
[02:38]: starting Gloo (and service mesh)
[03:01]: set dynamic dns to public ip via postman
[03:07]: push docker image to google cloud (to serve w/out building first)
[03:17]: top section shows default namespace in k8 cluster
[03:25]: deployment w/out knative comparison
[04:15]: deploying same app using knative yaml
[05:03]: k-svc, route, configuration
[05:36]: forcing restart
[05:52]: blue and green demo using knative
[07:48]: deploy from source via knative
[08:04]: config secrets to push build images
[08:34]: build section in yaml for knative
[08:53]: tweak source code example
[09:06]: building image stages
[09:32]: using image just built
[09:44]: deploying another revision of same app
[10:13]: cleanup time
[10:21]: some of the tools used
[10:26]: the end