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From YouTube: Istio Upgrade Guide: In-Place vs. Canary Upgrades


Are you looking to upgrade your Istio service mesh but unsure of the best approach? In this video, we'll walk you through the two main upgrade methods: In-Place Upgrades and Canary Upgrades. Whether you're running Istio on your own or through the Gloo Platform, this step-by-step guide will help you seamlessly transition to the latest version and ensure a smooth deployment.

🔹 Understanding the Naming Scheme:
Before diving into the upgrade process, we'll explain Istio's version naming scheme. Discover how the major, minor, and patch numbers come into play, and learn how to identify which upgrade method is suitable for your specific version.

🔹 Canary Upgrade: A Safe and Gradual Approach:
The Canary Upgrade is an excellent strategy when moving from one minor version to another (e.g., 1.16 to 1.17). By deploying a second control plane with the new revision and gradually migrating your workloads, you get the opportunity to thoroughly test the new revision before making a complete switch. We'll demonstrate this method using Istio version 1.16.3 and upgrading to version 1.17.

🔹 Leveraging Istio Lifecycle Manager:
Discover how to utilize the Istio Lifecycle Manager to deploy Istio and perform upgrades. We'll walk you through the process of updating the existing applied lifecycle object for your cluster, introducing the new revision tag and version tag in the YAML configuration.

🔹 Deploying New Operators and Gateways:
Learn how to deploy the new operator for the 1.17 revision in a designated namespace using the Gloo Platform. We'll explain how the operators automatically watch the Istio operator resources in the same namespace, ensuring a smooth upgrade process.

🔹 Upgrading Istiod and Workloads:
Follow our instructions to deploy Istiod 1.17 and restart the workloads connected to the old control plane, enabling them to use the new Istiod revision.

🔹 Verifying Application Access:
Ensuring your applications can be accessed correctly during the upgrade is crucial. We'll guide you in testing access to your applications deployed using the Istio Ingress Gateway.

🔹 Updating Gateway and Services:
Discover how to patch the services to target the new Istio revision (1.17) while maintaining the same external IP address, ensuring continuity during the migration.

🔹 Cleaning Up Old Revisions:
Once the Canary Upgrade is successful, we'll show you how to update the lifecycle manager objects to remove all entries related to the old revision (1.16). The Gloo Platform will handle the uninstallation of components associated with the old revision.

🔹 Conclusion:
Upgrading Istio is essential for maintaining a robust and efficient service mesh. With this comprehensive guide, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to perform In-Place or Canary Upgrades smoothly, depending on your Istio version. Watch the video now to master the art of Istio upgrades and optimize your cloud-native infrastructure! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more valuable tutorials and updates. Happy upgrading! 🚀🔝