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From YouTube: Episode 20: 1-Click Upgrade to Istio 1.13 using Helm


What is your Istio upgrade strategy? Helm, istioctl, Istio operator? How is IstioOperator API related?

In this livestream, Krisztian who has been upgrading to many Istio releases will join Lin to discuss Istio upgrade strategy and do a live demo of 1-click upgrade to Istio 1.13 using Helm.
#istio #upgrade #strategy #helm #livestream #hoot

A breakdown for the episode:
00:12-1:40 Welcome + some hiccups with livestream + speaker intro
1:40-6:00 service mesh and Istio news
6:00 -12:02 What is new with Istio 1.13?
12:04-29:40 Options & strategy for Istio upgrade + answer live questions!
29:40-33:40 Helm + Istio
33:40-44:50 Live DEMO
44:50-52:56 Monitor Istio upgrade + answer live questions!
52:56 wrap up + answer more live questions!

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