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From YouTube: HOW to increase application resiliency for Kubernetes services running on Spot VMs


Spot VMs are excess Compute Engine capacity and cheap! Are you considering spot VMs for either cutting costs or test the resiliency of your application? In this hoot livestream, Eric will join Lin to discuss spot VMs and how to best test and increase your application resiliency when running on Kubernetes over spot VMs, along with live demos!

#resiliency #envoy #kubernetes #livestream #hoot #spotvm

00:02 Welcome + speaker intro
1:34 service mesh and Istio news
3:30 Discussion related to Spot VMs, increase application resiliency
7:43 two tier architecture with Envoy/K8s, best practice application resiliency
16:42 Review what will be demo-ed
19:40 Live DEMO
45:24 Answer live questions + Wrap up

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