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From YouTube: State of WebAssembly in Service Mesh and Future of Wasm


SoloCon 2022:
State of WebAssembly in Service Mesh and Future of Wasm

Community and Open Source

Session Abstract:
WebAssembly (Wasm) has evolved into a high-performance, cross-platform, and polyglot software sandbox environment for cloud native workloads. Straightforward Wasm extension to workloads is mandatory for many organizations we work with. In this talk, we will first dive into the state of the WebAssembly in Istio service mesh with the new WasmPlugin resource and support for OCI compliant images. Then, we will discuss the future of Wasm and its support in Gloo Mesh, how we improve developers’ Wasm experience among teams, and when you should use proper APIs vs. building your own Wasm extensions.

Lin Sun
Director of Open-Source,

Shane O'Donnell
Team Lead - Gloo Mesh,