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From YouTube: Introducing GraphQL for Gloo Edge and Gloo Mesh


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SoloCon 2022:
Introducing GraphQL for Gloo Edge and Gloo Mesh

Sai Ekbote
Software Engineer,

Keith Babo
Product Manager,

Session Abstract:
GraphQL is a powerful new query language for APIs that is transforming how modern applications are developed and architected. A key benefit of GraphQL is the ability for clients to leverage a single API endpoint to access data in any shape they need, unlocking massive performance and efficiency gains for front end applications. While most of the excitement with GraphQL focuses on the front end, the benefits to a well-architected back end GraphQL infrastructure are just as important. In this talk, Sai and Keith will introduce the new GraphQL support coming to Gloo Edge and Gloo Mesh. The talk will highlight the benefits that native Envoy GraphQL support and a declarative approach to GraphQL provides to developers and platform engineering teams, along with a feature overview and roadmap.

Track: Community and Open Source