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From YouTube: Canary Releases in Kubernetes with Gloo API Gateway


Canary deployments are an approach for safer application delivery and in this case, the delivery of new software to your end users without disrupting or interrupting their experience. Techniques like Blue/Green, Canary and Progressive Delivery allow you to reduce the risk by slowing down and better controlling how many end users have access to the new software as it is deployed to production.

Combined with the adoption of microservices architecture, containers and Kubernetes, our deployment practices change from upgrading in place to deploying entire new services in its place. These new applications can be made up of tens or even hundreds of loosely coupled services that are releasing new versions weekly or even daily.

When operationalizing Kubernetes environments, operators can leverage the networking layer to control the impact of new releases without creating service outages, gain early insight into any issues with the new service, and gain control over the software releases to ensure successful deployments, proper application behavior and a great end user experience.

In this webinar, we will cover:
* What is a Canary Deployment
* Considerations in designing your Canary process
* How to architect Canary Deployments with API gateways
* Ecosystem tools for automation and observability
* Demo

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