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From YouTube: Advanced Rate Limiting with Envoy Proxy API and Gloo API Gateway


Applications of all types including monoliths, microservices, serverless functions, and any combination of them often need a way for external clients and users to access them in a safe and secure way. As incoming requests can be numerous and varied, protecting backend services and globally enforcing business limits can become incredibly complex being handled at the application level.

Rate limiting is a strategy that can prevent service outages by protecting the service from being overrun with more requests than it’s resources can process and respond to within the agreed service levels. Rate limits can be set to limit the number of times the service can be called (per second, minute, hour) within a specified time period (total received in a day, week, month).

Attend this session to learn how to leverage Envoy Proxy at the edge to implement advanced rate limiting use cases:
* Configure multiple rate limits per client
* Secure rate limit actions with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
* Combine rate limits with WAF and Auth
* Gloo control plane to manage Envoy configurations

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