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From YouTube: [Swarm Mini Summit] Towards fair data society


Gregor Žavcer, Tadej Fius, Daniel Nickless

We live in a world where individuals are exploited for their personal data and privacy as human right is ignored while handful of actors are unfairly amassing wealth generated by personal data. We are the product, lacking any rights. In short, we can argue that we live in times of increasing data slavery.

Fair Data Society is a vision and initivate that seeks to provide an alternative. Initiated by Datafund project, it follows a vision where humans are at the center, have full control over their digital selves while the value of data is – contrary to popular centralised services – fairly distributed. Data exchange is on a need-to-know basis, according to user consents and conditions while human rights and privacy are respected. To achieve this, FDS is developing fair data protocol where personal data is semantically organised and stored on Swarm, and Fairdrop dapp for ethical data exchange. FDS components can be reused by any other project. Moreover, FDS is actively connecting various stakeholders such as developers, academia, regulators, NGOs and governments to drive social change and raise awareness towards mentioned goals.

The talk will briefly present FDS initiative and give a demo of the Fairdrop dapp and PoC demo of our compute node, concluded with a call-to-action to build projects in an ethical way on fair data principles.

Bio/company pitch:
Datafund project guards personal data, provides safe storage and enables provable personal data exchange. Information is shared anonymized or on a need-to-know basis according to an agreement between exchanging parties. Datafund’s mission is to be an enabler of a fair data society.