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From YouTube: Dispatch - a batteries-included open-source enterprise functions framework


Forget about managing a fleet of servers - developers can now focus their efforts on business logic without concern for infrastructure. It’s about serverless computing and deploying code as opposed to deploying VMs or containers. This all leads to a cloud-native event based future embracing functions, containers, and managed services.

Building, deploying, and administering serverless applications requires more than just a function scheduler and executor. This is especially true in the enterprise, where IT administrators want control and developers want ease of use and freedom. Dispatch balances these competing needs with features beyond just function execution.

For IT, Dispatch brings tenancy and access management to open source serverless. For developers, Dispatch supports a wide variety of languages and leverages the open service broker standard to allow functions to interact with a wide variety of managed services, such as databases.

Is Dispatch right for you and your environment? Are you trying to figure out serverless and how this fits with your cloud-native infrastructure?

In this webinar, Dispatch lead Berndt Jung and project founder Mark Peek from VMware gives an introduction to functions and serverless as well as demonstrating how to solve real use-cases with Dispatch.