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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 147: CoreDNS


Come hang out with Luke Short (@ekultails) and learn about CoreDNS. Luke works with a lot of customers directly to make Kubernetes work for them. Over the past week he has been going down a deep rabbit hole around CoreDNS and will share those experiences and learnings with you! Come along for the ride!

Show notes:


- 00:00:40 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:06:03 - Week in Review
- 00:24:55 - Katacoda Kubernetes Playground
- 00:26:33 - CoreDNS Introduction
- 00:30:56 - CoreDNS Plugins
- 00:32:38 - CoreDNS Internal Plugin: File
- 00:34:28 - CoreDNS DNS Records
- 00:37:19 - Story time! Luke's first container was a DNS server
- 00:38:44 - Kubernetes at Scale:
- 00:39:34 - Chat - What DNS servers do you use?
- 00:41:38 - CoreDNS Pods on Kubernetes
- 00:43:57 - Luke making spelling mistakes :-)
- Luke thought he was being trolled by him resizing the window. Sometimes that will move the cursor around in the Kubernetes Playground in unpredictable ways.
- 00:45:10 - Moving to Luke's home Kubernetes cluster
- Configuring CoreDNS in Kubernetes
- 00:49:28 - Load balancing with DNS
- 00:51:48 - View all CoreDNS plugins
- Preview the "records" and "unbound" plugins
- Authoritative vs recursive
- 00:54:32 - CoreDNS external plugins require recompilation
- 00:55:55 coredns-unbound project
- 00:56:24 Public container registries
- 00:59:29 How to compile CoreDNS with plugins
- 01:01:22 CoreDNS demo of customizing Corefile on Kubernetes
- 01:21:18 CoreDNS demo of adding customized DNS records
- 01:40:09 Documentation for customizing CoreDNS in Kubernetes
- 01:43:29 Outro