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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 159: Exploring Kuberhealthy



- 00:04:47 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:07:20 - Week in Review
- 00:25:28 - Looking at Kuberhealthy
- 00:28:59 - Installing Kuberhealthy
- 00:43:27 - Connecting to console
- 00:50:26 - Finding prom metrics (`/metrics')
- 00:55:15 - Exploring external checks
- 01:01:11 - Creating your own checks
- 01:03:28 - Continuing to debug cross-namespace checks
- 01:10:12 - Looking at HTTP Check
- 01:13:16 - Debugging and filing bug
- 01:48:22 - Wrapping up

Come hang out with Joe Beda (@jbeda) as he explores something new in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Hang out as we explore something NEW for the first time.

Continuing the CNCF sandbox series, this week we will be looking at kuberhealthy! (