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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 079: YTT and Kapp


Episode notes:

00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
00:04:30 - Week in Review
00:21:11 - Start looking at k14s
00:28:49 - Install the tools
00:36:07 - Start playing with kapp
01:02:52 - Start playing with ytt

Come hang out with Joe Beda as he does a bit of hands on hacking of Kubernetes and related topics. Some of this will be Joe talking about the things he knows. Some of this will be Joe exploring something new with the audience. Come join the fun, ask questions, comment, and participate in the live chat!

This week we will look at YTT and Kapp! These tools are used for templating and applying configs to container clusters and take a bit of a unique approach.