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From YouTube: TGI Kubernetes 180: Kubernetes 1.23 release review


Come hang out with Joe Beda (@jbeda) as he explores the Kubernetes ecosystem.

This week we have Rey Lejano as a guest. Rey was the release lead for Kubernetes 1.23. He is also a Field Engineer for SUSE via Rancher Labs. Rey is going to take us through what goes into a release and some of his favorite enhancements for release 1.23.

Notes are at

00:03:49 - Welcome to TGIK and welcome Rey!
00:07:11 - Week in Review
00:26:10 - What is a Kubernetes Release Lead?
00:33:36 - Dual stack IPv4/v6
00:37:37 - PodSecurity Admission to beta
00:42:06 - TTL Controller
00:44:43 - HPA v2 API to GA
00:52:17 - Ephemeral Containers and kubectl debug
00:59:16 - Auto Remove PVCs from StatefulSets to alpha
01:00:44 - SLSA Level 1 compliance
01:05:26 - 1.23 Lightning Round
01:06:52 - Thank you and goodbye