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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - Nov 10, 2020


Nov 10, 2020

Status Updates
My birthday is tomorrow, yeay!
I’ll. be on GoTime live today at 12PM PT:
On community support
Tons of PRs to review
Working on a Velero presentation
Storj/Tardigrade interview about Velero:
Bug fix PRs:
🐛 Use namespace and name to match PVB to Pod restore
🐛 Do not run ItemAction plugins for unresolvable types for all types
Pick up on the e2e tests. Release item for v1.6
PR reviews:
Design PRs
Sync restore of additional items from restoreItemAction plugins.
Proposal looks good overall.
Will take another pass before signing off.
Appreciate your patience.
Also working on the presentation with Carlisia.
Reviewed proposal with Rafael’s team on the API migration work
DockerHub is limiting pulls from free accounts. This may limit your ability to pull Velero images, especially from CI if it doesn’t cache. We’ll likely be moving Velero into VMware’s newly created public repo at some point in the future to remove the restrictions.
KubeCon NA is next week! Bridget and I will be doing a Velero Q&A at 4pm ET, Wednesday November 18th.
Zoom link
Mostly catching up on things after PTO
Reviewing design docs
Would like to get involved with multiple credentials work.
First pass at e2e tests -
Released Distributed Data Generator (Kibishii) test tool -

Discussion Topics
Rafael @brito-rafa and Frankie @codegold - Updates to Choosing API Group Version to Restore Design Doc: PR #3050
Review priority cases (with examples with an academic API Group):
FYI: Changing priority system to match that of K8s more closely
Phuong Hoang: Timeout for BackupItemPlugin design Adding timeout to ExecuteRequest may cause incompatibility with prevous version of plugins.
Action: Phuong to add a meeting for this
Scott/Nolan Addtional items wait design doc is also related; we cannot currently restore a namespace by itself, or create RestoreItemActions for a namespace object.
Pranav Restore progress status design doc
Handling multiple credentials/secrets

Community Shoutouts
@invidian: Fix various typos found by codespell
@a-mccarthy: Add custom 404 page to website
Preview of the 404 page
@mynktl: fixing ‘’ plugin to fetch configmap using plugin name