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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting / Open Discussion - March 2, 2021


March 2, 2021
Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Multiple credentials support
Adding docs and E2E test
Need one more approval on PR 3442, this will unblock PR 3489

Not a lot of progress on roadmap last week, dealing with internal TKG builds

Working on making e2e tests as part of our release pipeline.

Discussion on upload progress monitoring
Working on reviewing outstanding feature backlog

Discussion Topics

What was the outcome/progress from last week’s discussion topics?
Findings for what happens when a resource is in multiple API groups when processed by a custom plugin - new documentation merged in #3498

v1.7.0 rough roadmap
Velero debug support, based on crashd
Trying to get CSI snapshot support to GA
Plugin versioning
Snapshot upload progress
Manifest data structure
Distroless container base image to reduce attack surface
Velero Carvel installation
More detailed test plan; get more thorough in what we’re actually looking for out of tests

Contributor Shoutouts (PRs and Discussions)

@codegold79: Update in-code documentation to show resources can be specified with group name
@slavina-rumenova: Adding check if disk description is empty
@justbert: Add documentation around minimum required permissions
@tareqhs: [velero] customize client-qps and client-burst
@peterekhator: [velero] feat: add nodeselector for restic
@cyril-corbon: [velero] feat: add annotations for velero deployment and restic daemonset
@codegold79: [Velero] Add velero component label and update docs