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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting/Open Discussion - April 7, 2020


April 7, 2020

Status Updates

On community support this week
Pushed up an example of readiness probes for Velero at
Talked to Steve and Ashish about revisiting the Velero CSI plugin data flow/data model
Continued testing with CSI integration at Will likely require some changes given we’re revisiting our data model
Seeing some more CRD issues crop up, though not all around versioning - &
Looks like some schema restriction errors that need to be investigated further
Worked with Rafael and Carlisia on a presentation for his work to the data protection working group
released v1.3.2
discussion/reviews on CSI integration
install/config UX design review
investigating ways to report backup progress (
PSA: looks like we’re hitting - manifests as a ~15-second delay at the start of every backup
Addressed code reviews on CLI PR - close to wrapping that and starting to implement
Fixed the yaml/kustomize examples
Have a few PRs in the pipeline for CSI. Close to opening this up for wider review in the community. This is coming soon.
Survey that we announced last week is now live and available here. Call to community action!

Discussion Topics

[carlisia] DEMO of deploying Velero using Kustomize - Files:
Handling multiple API Group versions during restore (related to PR #2373)
Default (today)
Restore Source Cluster Preferred Version
Target-Version Mode (proposed - feature flag?)
Triggered by detection the target cluster runs a different K8s version from the source backup cluster (see PR #2346 collecting cluster k8s version during backup). Restore objects based on target cluster apiGroup preferred version.
Next step: Please look at the PR, and then Rafael will put together a design proposal

Contributor Shoutouts

@rochfordk - docs to clarify backup TTL (
@mansam - add --cacert flag to CLI commands (
@mynktl - add selected-node remapping plugin (