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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting - Dec 15, 2020


Dec 15, 2020
The Velero maintainer team at VMware will be on holiday between December 19, 2020 to January 4, 2021.

Status Updates
On community support this week
EOY tasks, planning for next year
Code reviews
Maintainers, please give the following PRs a look:
DownloadRequest controller to kubebuilder
Set custom certificates on a BSL
PRs + PR reviews
wip: Adding reference to a credential to the BSL
Secrets stuff
wip: review Frankie’s PR (Restore API group version by priority):
Community support first half of this week
Starting vacation Wed/Thurs
Continuing to work on multiple credentials proposal
PR reviews
About to submit a PR for delve debugging in Tilt
Submitted talk proposal for Kubecon EU on Backup/restore of operator driven apps
Started on design for upload progress and data movement tracking

Discussion Topics
JenTing Hsiao as core maintainer [APPROVED!]:
If you’d like to join us, take a look at our Governance document
What if we optimize the behavior of the sync controller in regards to instantiating a backup store:
Combine the behavior of sync & BSL controller
Could we have this done in a design doc?
Reduces the amount of requests to object storage
Reduces instantiations of object storage plugins
Reconciling the server default BSL with the user configured default BSL:
New GitHub Processes
Using Ginkgo
Uses BDD descrptions, which isn’t necessarily used
Doesn’t feel “Go-native”
controller-runtime uses Ginkgo’s BeforeTest entrypoints to do setup.
Used e2e tests cause we were using it elsewhere
Thought there were benefits to it that haven’t manifested

Contributor Shoutouts
@matheusjuvelino: issue: add flag to the schedule cmd to configure the useOwnerReferencesInBackup option #3176
@matheusjuvelino: Owner reference in backup when created from schedule
@imjokey: Tencent S3 Compatible Support Docs
@nemeth: doc: Use inline markdown links in tables
@yusufgungor: Preserve nodePort support with --preserve-nodeports flag
@jenting: feat: support configure BSL CR to indicate which one is the default