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From YouTube: Velero Community Meeting \ Open Discussion - Jan 26, 2021


Jan 26, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap
Reviewing Frankie’s PR for version negotiation at restore.
Reviewing PRs that multi-creds work depends on.
Tech debt items for v1.6.0 will be trimmed from the board this week and moved to v1.7.0
Continuing work on multiple credentials support
Reviewing PRs
e2e tests across multi-cloud
e2e test for multiple namespaces

Discussion Topics
Ritesh Patel from Nirmata will demo Kyverno

Pranav Gaikwad (@pranavgaikwad) Restore Progress feedback. Should the excluded resources be included in the count of items restored? Not included as per design.

Have a question? You can ask in the Discussion Q&A

Community Shoutouts
@MadhavJivrajani: Raise logging level for PV deletion timeout
@a-mccarthy: Update docs to clarify backup location and relationship with other data
@cpanato: [velero] Helm2 fix
@cpanato: add stable repo to the new location