VMware / Velero Office Hours

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VMware / Velero Office Hours

These are all the meetings we have in "Velero Office Hours" (part of the organization "VMware"). Click into individual meeting pages to watch the recording and search or read the transcript.

22 Oct 2020

October 22

Is cross cluster migration on the roadmap?
We do have support for it.
You take a backup of a cluster and all the cluster objects are in the configured object storage.
When restoring a new cluster, you will need to make sure that the new cluster has access to the object storage bucket where the backups from the original cluster were written to.
Velero will then read those backups for the original cluster and restore them to the new cluster.
For cross cluster migration of persistent volumes, it is necessary to use restic.

Note: There are some details missing from our documentation on how to provide credentials to Velero.

How does the Velero CLI communicate with the Velero server?
Is there a REST API? Communication happens via the creation of CRDs. The Velero controllers process those CRDs and as part of the reconciliation loop, will start the backup/restore operations.
Velero communicates with the Kubernetes API server, not etcd.
Velero is purpose built for Kubernetes using Kubernetes.

When backups are in progress, we can see the state and logs. Is there a way to view the backup progress?
In Velero 1.4, backup progress was introduced. There is a field on the Backup object which details the number of items to backup and the number of items that have been backed up so far. We don’t maintain a list of the items to be backed up as it difficult to keep this up to date during the backup progress. However, once the backup is complete, the list of all resources that were in the backup can be viewed using velero backup describe "backup-name" and checking the Resource List. It also differentiates between Kubernetes resources and restic backups.
TODO: Details of the progress item are missing from the API documentation. We should add this.

Demo of Velero using MinIO
MinIO running in a docker container outside the cluster. Instructions to run this are available on our FAQ page
Using velero-plugin-for-aws as MinIO is an S3 compatible storage.
Using CSI hostpath driver to provision volumes on a KinD cluster.
Restic demo:
Enabled using either opt-in or opt-out. More on this here

Getting started with contributing to Velero
Please see our docs on
Joining the Velero community
Twitter @projectvelero
Kubenetes Slack #velero
Google Group
  • 3 participants
  • 46 minutes
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8 Oct 2020

  • 4 participants
  • 22 minutes
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24 Sep 2020

The very first ever Velero Office Hours!


Sept 24
What is Velero

A tool to safely backup, recover and migrate applications running in kubernetes along with their persistent volumes.
This is a solution purpose built for Kubernetes using Kubernetes Constructs.
How does Velero run backups and restores? What happens under the covers?

There are two components to Velero:
CLI client
Server running as a pod in kubernetes
The client and the server components don’t interact with each other over network connection, but use the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definiton construct to communicate.
The client creates the CRD API objects which the server pod which runns a reconciliation loop for these CRD types watches and reconciles the objects. For example, if a Backup object is created, the server, in the processss of reconciliation will perform the backup operation.
Some of the other CRDs are: Backup, Restore, Schedules, BackupStorageLocation, etc…
Refer to our API types docs for more information
Reference for more details: How Velero Works?
What’s the difference between a PV backup and a restic backup?

Backup of applications using persistent volumes will include volume backups as well.
Velero can perform volume snapshotting operations native to the volume provider using VolumeSnapshotter plugins specific to the volume provider. For cases where, a Velero VolumeSnapshotter plugin doesn’t exist for a volume provider or if the volume provider doesn’t support snapshotting operations Velero’s Restic integration can be used.
Restic Integration:
Restic is a 3rd party tool that Velero integrates with to perform filesystem level backups of persistent volumes.
Velero handles installation and setup of restic as part of Velero installation.
Refer to our restic integration docs for more information.
References and resources on some of the topics that were covered:

Velero website
Velero API typpes
Backup Hooks for quiescing and unquiescing applications before and after backup.
Restore Hooks to customize application restores to perform any necessary setup before the restored application pods can run.
  • 3 participants
  • 48 minutes
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