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From YouTube: wasmcloud: wash 101, the interactive cli and REPL for wasmcloud


This community meeting features a demonstration of wash (WAsmcloud SHell) is a CLI (Command Line Interface) and REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) to help you with the wasmcloud application lifecycle. This meeting features a walk-through of the lifecycle of creating, signing, storing, and running a wasmcloud payload.

The essential script for the demonstration may be found here:

And the key commands executed in order are:
## Building and signing table tennis actor
cd ./actor-table-tennis
wash claims sign --help
wash claims sign ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/table_tennis.wasm --name "Table Tennis" --http_server
wash claims inspect ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/table_tennis_s.wasm
wash keys gen --help
TABLE_TENNIS_SUBJECT=$(wash keys gen module -o json | jq '.seed' | tr -d "\"")
wash claims sign ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/table_tennis.wasm --name "Table Tennis" --http_server --subject $TABLE_TENNIS_SUBJECT
wash claims inspect ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/table_tennis_s.wasm
wash keys list
make release
cp ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/table_tennis_s.wasm ../

## Building and signing httpserver provider
cd ../provider-http-server
cargo build --release
wash par create --help
# Be sure to change this arch and binary flag to your architecture and shared object
wash par create --arch x86_64-macos --binary ./target/release/libwasmcloud_httpserver.dylib --capid wasmcloud:httpserver --name "HTTP Server" --vendor "wash101 developer" --compress
wash keys list
wash par inspect ./libwasmcloud_httpserver.par.gz
cp ./libwasmcloud_httpserver.par.gz ../

## Pushing resources to local registry
cd ..
docker-compose up -d
wash reg push --help
wash reg push localhost:5000/tabletennis:0.1.0 ./table_tennis_s.wasm --insecure
wash reg push localhost:5000/httpserver:0.1.0 ./libwasmcloud_httpserver.par --insecure
wash reg pull localhost:5000/httpserver:0.1.0 --insecure
diff httpserver.par.gz ./libwasmcloud_httpserver.par.gz

## REPL (Actor and provider ids will differ due to autogenerated keys)
wash up
ctl get hosts
ctl get inventory HOST_ID
ctl start actor localhost:5000/tabletennis:0.1.0
ctl call ACTOR_ID HandleRequest {"method": "POST", "path": "/", "body": "ping", "queryString":"", "header":{}}
ctl call ACTOR_ID HandleRequest {"method": "POST", "path": "/", "body": "bling", "queryString":"", "header":{}}
ctl start provider localhost:5000/httpserver:0.1.0
ctl get inventory HOST_ID
ctl link ACTOR_ID PROVIDER_ID wasmcloud:httpserver PORT=8080

## Separate terminal
# Bad Request
curl localhost:8080 -v
# pong
curl localhost:8080 -d "ping"

## Cleanup
rm *.par.gz *.wasm
docker-compose down

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