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From YouTube: Peace Talks: A Postcolonial Approach to Acculturation: The American Dream Re-visioned


From Peace Talks:

This episode focuses on how we can change our approach towards acculturation from an “assimilation” based system to an “integration” based system that respects the cultural heritage and dignity of immigrants entering the United States. We meet with Tamara Parks, who has been a teacher and principal for nearly a decade, and is currently serving as the Director of the Multilingual program through the Essex Westford School District (EWSD). We will be exploring Tamara’s journey as a first generation immigrant to the United States, herself, and how that experience has informed her work in the public education system. We will be discussing a range of peacebuilding topics, such as postcolonialism, multiculturalism, and building peace through inclusive practices that promote equity and understanding across cultures and communities.

Show Guest: Tamara Parks — Educator, Advocate, and Director of the Multilingual Program at the Essex Westford School District


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