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From YouTube: Our Neighbors In Blue: Steele Creek Division


Who's knocking? Discover what's happening in the Southwest corner of Charlotte.

Steele Creek Division is a noticeable patch of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg map.
It is 61 square miles of our Southwest corner.
It's a mixture of everybody, Asian, Hispanic, Black and White and Indian.
Steele Creek still has some farmland.
A couple of decades ago, Steele Creek dairy herds never saw a mall, a four lane street or a golf all those are more normal, so-to-speak, than our bovine neighbors.
Some Steele Creek characteristics match the rest of Charlotte, away from uptown.
You find both simple and expensive neighborhoods, miles of retail around multi-acre parking lots and zones of truck and rail dependent industry still pumping out product.
There are unique landmarks.
You've got Lake Wylie----and whats-its-name----that adjacent state has a big sign up.
You've got the Police and Fire Training Academy.
And you've got the exotic green canopy of McDowell Nature Preserve..
All the police divisions have rich people and poor people, good people, bad people, plenty of traffic, all kinds of transitions and challenges but Steele Creek is the only division with an amusement park!
Our tour follows CMPD's door knocking route among probationers. It will be a surprise.
Join us on this tour of CMPD's Steele Creek Division.

And after watching this Youtube video. Find out more by checking out CMPD's website
And be sure to watch all GOV Channel programming.