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From YouTube: City Council Regular - 15 Aug 2022


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1. Study Session Topic

Director of Public Works Maria D'Andrea will be present to u pdate City Council on progress on this multi-agency study being led by the City of Englewood. 6:25 pm-6:45pm

Director of Public Works Maria D'Andrea will be present to provide an overview of the Complete Streets Initiative & Applicability to Englewood Street Network. 6:00pm-6:25pm

Director of Finance Jackie Loh will be present to review the I nvestment Policy Statement (IPS) for the City's 401(a) and 457 Retirement Plan. 6:45pm-6:55pm

2. Call to Order

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call

5. Consideration of Minutes of Previous Session

a. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 1, 2022.

6. Appointments, Communications, Proclamations, and Recognition

7. Recognition of Scheduled Public Comment

Steven Kelly, an Englewood resident, will address Council.

Doug Cohn, an Englewood resident, will address Council.

Jacob Gilbert, an Englewood resident, will address Council.

8. Recognition of Unscheduled Public Comment

9. Consent Agenda Items

a. Approval of Ordinances on First Reading

CB 45 - Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Centennial to provide interconnectivity between traffic signal systems for public benefit.

CB 40 - Allow Court and Prosecution staff to hand documents to defendants and witnesses, and to authorize Court to withdraw bench warrant and instead serve summons to defendants in lieu of arrest

CB 44 -A mending Englewood Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 4-1-2 concerning the annual required adoption of the City's investment policy.

b. Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading.

CB 36 - Amending Englewood Municipal Code to mirror Colorado statute and provide clarity of offenses for filing in Englewood Municipal Court.

CB 43 - IGA with Arapahoe County for Coordinated Election Services

CB 42 - The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Special Initiative Grant

c. Resolutions and Motions

Approval of Englewood Police Benefit Association (EPBA) Contract

10. Public Hearing Items

11. Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions

a. Approval of Ordinances on First Reading

CB 46 - Update to the current off-leash ordinance.

b. Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading

c. Resolutions and Motions

2022 Budget Supplemental #3

Approval of a contract to provide security services for EEF and Civic Center properties.

Resolution adopting the changes to the Reserve and Investment Policy

12. General Discussion

a. Mayor's Choice

Executive Session for discussion of a personnel matter under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(2)(f) for the purpose of annual employment reviews and not involving: any specific employees who have requested dis...

Executive Session f or a conference with the City attorney for the purpose of receiving
legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b)

b. Council Members' Choice

13. City Manager’s Report

14. Adjournment

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